Renzey's 77 Ways To Get The Edge At Casino Poker (218 pages,
paperbound, $14.95) deserves consideration by those who are ready
to progress to the next stage of their poker game. It is a pleasant
surprise for those playing medium to upper-level games-not pot limit
or no limit. As the title suggests, the author presents 77 concepts-some
are general, others apply to specific games-that players must understand
and control in order to succeed at the new level of play. He discusses
what's wrong with playing too many hands or the need for courage
to fold.
who also wrote the Blackjack Bluebook, talks about the type of bankroll
you'll need; the right time to quit; check and raise moves; pot
odds and how to figure them; then moves to strategies for specific
Those games are the most popular casino games of the day--seven
stud; Texas hold'em; seven stud, hi-lo 8 or better; and Omaha ,
hi-lo 8 or better. (He also includes a section on poker terminology.)
book is illustrated and contains analysis of what to do or how to
avoid pitfalls and traps; when to fold.
transition from the lower limits of poker to the higher limits or
from the friendly home game to thecasino game, where the "sharks"
await the unsophisticated "tuna" who often swim aimlessly
their first time out is chancy at best, traumatic at worst. Renzey's
work is valuable in these situations because it gives the player
a solid focal point as well as solid advice.
reviewed here are available from Gambler's Book Shop, 630 South
11th St., Las Vegas, NV 89101. You may call 1-800-522-1777 to order,
using MasterCard, VISA or Discover cards, but no American Express.
You may see the store's entire catalog via the Internet at
or order