a friend struggling with his or her game of poker? Is one of your
relative puzzled by the rules and strategies of a casino game or
video poker? If so, a holiday gift of a book or computer software
to help them improve their play might be a thoughtful and timely
holiday gift. Here are some books and computer software to consider
for those who enjoy finding the perfect gift for the perfect person:
HOLD'EM by T.J. Cloutier and Tom McEvoy. This
312-page paperbound assumes the beginner knows the basics. It is
designed to improve the limit player's game, with excellent material
on what to do before the flop, at the flop, on the turn, at the
river and in tournaments Written by two world class gentlemen who
are consistent winners, it sells for $39.95.
ATTACK by Don Schlesinger. This revised edition
of one of the most praised titles on the subject of 21 contains
345 pages and is also for the serious, advanced player. It will
help you evaluate new rules, explain "team play" and is packed with
charts and tables for multi-deck play. It also contains sections
on proper camouflage techniques and back-counting the shoe. $19.95.
POKER ANSWER BOOK by John Grochowski. Grochowski's
274-page paperbound, published this year, answers thousands of questions
about video poker in general and about the various types of games
you'll find in the casino. It offers strategies, explains the differences
in the machines and will find good use in states other than Nevada.
OF WINNING ROULETTE by Marten Jensen. A virtual
one-volume encyclopedia of the game, including the rules, strategies,
systems, information on "biased" wheels and an explanation of all
the bets, the odds, percentages and table layouts, Jensen's 200-pages
book is one of the best. $16.95.
by Byron Hebert. Recently revised, this is one of
the best ever on the game, which is attracting new players each
week because of its excitement and simplicity. Hebert explains the
basics and more advanced play, and in its 282 pages, players will
find rules, strategies and money management advice. $19.95.
GUIDE TO THE WORLD by Jesse May. Published in
Oct. 2000, .This 307-page paperbound is subtitled Finding the Action,
Beating the Odds and Living It Up Around The Globe. May, author
of Shut Up and Deal, which focused on high-stakes poker players,
tells you what to expect if you travel to Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto
Rica, Argentina, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Baden, Austria, Amsterdam,
Paris, Dublin, Helsinki and Slovenia, plus Moscow, Las Vegas and
Atlantic City. He answers questions about currency, climate, passports,
safety, banks, entertainment, the nightlife, the games, the hours
of operation and spins some fascinating tales about his own gambling
experiences and the characters he met along the way. $17.50.
by Rob Singer. This $19.95 paperbound (125 pages) is a 2000 edition
and concentrates on what skills an intelligent, disciplined video
poker player needs to succeed. The controversial Singer discusses
whether a winning strategy really exists; whether "perfect play"
is the way to go and what to do when the IRS finds out you've hit
a big one.