Skills That You Can't Learn from a Book
Fred Renzey
Lots of professional
poker players learned everything they know from the school of hard
knocks. These particular guys couldn't tell you the odds of making
a flush with two cards to come if their lives depended upon it.
Yet, they'll virtually never make the wrong play when faced with
that situation. If a flush will win and their suit is live, they'll
draw to it. If there's a prominent chance they'll make the flush
and lose, their hand hits the muck right now.
I know a number
of players like this. They're "street players." When you're
thinking during a hand, they're tapping into your brain -- feeling
and interpreting every flinch. When one of these players heard I
was writing a book on poker he said to me, "Freddie, do you
really think you can show people how to win at poker by writing
about pot odds, and outs, and all that crap? I mean that's fine
and all, but there are some things you gotta just know -- just feel,
that you can't read in a book."
He's right.
He wasn't talking about sorcery or ESP. What my friend was referring
to was the super subtleties that slip right past most recreational
poker players. They're a combination of minute hints, barely noticeable
that give you precious insight into what's happening in this particular
hand -- right now. This goes beyond poker odds -- beyond the textbook.
So today for
you poker players out there who weren't blessed with an astute poker
"street sense" at birth, I'll try to spell out just one
of the many all important things you can't learn from a book. It's
What's happening This Time Around
Did you know
that the odds against being dealt a roll up in 7 Stud (trips on
the first three cards) are 424-1. I sometimes go for weeks without
being rolled up. But odds are just odds and only tell you what you
can expect given that you have no other information. Every time
you play a hand of poker, however, you should be gathering and processing
valuable information. The reason you do that is so you can draw
conclusions that are more accurate than just going by blind odds.
In that sense, playing by the odds is merely a fallback -- something
you're forced to resort to when you don't have anything better to
rely on. But winning poker players nearly always have more information
to go on than just the odds. Look at the following 7 Stud hand illustration
as an example:
?-? / 2-Q-7
The deuce brought
it in, the king raised, then both you and the deuce called. You're
curious as to what the deuce might have called a raise with since
he's a pretty snug player. Right now you think he might have some
small buried pair, or two deuces with an ace kicker.
On the turn
the king bet, you called and the deuce hung right in there, calling
along also. On fifth street the king bet again. Having made queens
up, you raised and now the deuce re-raises. What's his hand? Forget
about 424-1. He's rolled up. Now it all fits perfectly into place.
This scenario
was concocted with nearly perfect cards to illustrate that sometimes
it doesn't matter what the odds are. The play will reveal that this
opponent just has to have a particular hand. |