My wife and
I like to play the penny and nickel slots. On a game such as "Twilight
Zone", when you get the bonus free spin games, does the RNG apply
on those "free spins" too? Or does something else come into play?
Thank you,
Dear Bob,
The RNG is used
to determine the results of the free spins too. The only difference
between a free spin and regular spin is that you didn't need to pay
for the free spin.
Best of luck in
and out of the casinos,
Class II question....
I was thinking
the other day....
If Class II
Slots (Electronic Bingo) are truly "BINGO GAMES" added by electronic
means (almost the definition in every state)....
a distribution of winnings to one person "per BINGO-card"/game...(Isn't
that how BINGO is played)?
And if "distribution
of winnings" are to one person per BINGO game" is true...
Why would anyone
play more (a quarter a line) than what it takes to "win a BINGO
game"? Especially if there is no distinction between a .25 or a
.50 "buy-a-line".
How does the
central computer tell the one machine that it has won? And how does
it separate or "distribute" the winnings equally to multiple players?
Then wouldn't it be possible that a person playing a $5.00 slot
and a person playing a .05 cent slot both have the "equal" chance
to win the same "BINGO Game" or are there different "games" for
different denominations?
How does the
central computer "spread the winnings" to all who have "winning
cards?" Is it then random if I did win the "BINGO GAME" how much
the return or pay out would be? How does the machine keep its percentage
of paid out true? The slot would then have to communicate back to
the server that it needs to pay out or, is the main computer the
"true" slot machine paying out a percentage doing that equally?
Thanks for clearing
this up for me...
Dear bryon1,
The central computer
in Class II gaming draws a set of numbers and sends them down to the
slot machines. The slot them covers the numbers on its bingo card
and if the pattern matches one of the patterns corresponding to a
winning combination, the reels will stop on that combination. The
central computer does not tell machines that they have won.
The actual paybacks
on machines approach their long-term paybacks for the same reason
that the same thing happens on Class III devices. Each number is equally
likely to be drawn, each pattern will be covered with a frequency
very close to that predicted by the probability of covering it, therefore
each machine will pay back a percentage very close to its long-term
payback percentage. Random Sampling with Replacement governs Class
II devices too.
I don't know whether
all denominations participate in the same drawing or if there are
separate drawings for the different denomination. I would think that
there is just the one drawing. Perhaps someone in the industry with
experience with Class II devices can send me a definitive answer,
which I would be happy to publish in a future column.
Best of luck in
and out of the casinos,
Hi, John,
You may have
already gotten a slew of email about this, but there is an error
in your payout calculations from your June 19th column. It is as
You write: "Let's
say a 91% machine has been out on the slot floor for a year. This
is a 3-coin dollar machine and has had 1,000,000 spins played on
it, so it has had $3,000,000 played through it. Let's also say it
has paid back $2,700,000. It's actual payback percentage is spot
on the long-term, 91%."
But the actual
payback percentage here is 90%, not 91%. This becomes important
when contrasted with the new payback percentage you provide after
a $3 spin hits a $10,000 payout (new payout = $2,710,000/$3,000,003
= approx. 90.3%). Against the incorrect number the payout actually
appears to decline with the win.
As you probably
know by now, $2,730,000 would be 91%.
But thanks for
the great columns you write.
Dear Steven, et
Thanks to you
and all the others who pointed out my error. I changed the payback
percentage when I ran the calculations to make the numbers easier
to follow and neglected to change the payback percentage in the text.
I have corrected the text of the article.
The point of the
example, if I may repeat it, is to show that after machines have had
a reasonable amount of play, jackpots have very little effect on the
machines' actual paybacks. It's like a drop of food coloring in a
Best of luck in
and out of the casinos,
Hi, John,
Recently the
Cherokee Indian Tribe made a deal with the State of Oklahoma so
that they may have Class III Slots and Video Poker along with their
Class II Bingo Slots.
When they moved
the Video Poker IGT slant tops and uprights in, they over did the
quantity of machines versus the amount of people who were use to
playing VP. They've moved them around, added some multi-play, Super
Times Play, and Spin-Poker, along with slant top slots. This has
decreased the number of original IGT slant top machines.
Where do the
old machines go? Do they just lease them, purchase them and junk
them out or what? They were not over a year old and in excellent
condition. At about 10K per machine, that's quite a loss if they
purchased them. I was just wondering if you had some information
on an unwanted Slot/VP homeless shelter.
Dear Jim,
Any of those scenarios
(lease or purchase, resell or junk) is possible.
Best of luck in
and out of the casinos,
Hi, John,
If you were
going to open a casino, what type of a casino would you open up?
Dear Tom,
An immensely profitable
Best of luck in
and out of the casinos,
Send your slot
and video poker questions to John Robison, Slot Expert, at
Because of the volume of mail I receive, I regret that I can't send
a reply to every question. Also be advised that it may take several
months for your question to appear in my column.