It's an age-old
dilemma whether your game is craps, blackjack, poker, or whatever. How
do you know when you've made enough money to lock up your winnings and
quit for the day? And when is it time to cut your losses and throw in
the towel?
So watchful are
gamblers of these two trends that countless home-spun guidelines have
been invented in an effort to extract the maximum from Lady Luck. Some
blackjack players say it's time to quit, or at least change tables,
if you've lost four hands in a row. Many crapshooters believe it's time
to pack it in if you've lost back half your winnings. Lots of others
simply set a certain win goal for the day and quit if they've reached
Do you know how
much good any of these rules will do you? Zero! Yet, the right answer
to these two questions is so blatantly simple. That's because determining
if it's time to quit actually has nothing to do with whether you're
winning or losing.
That last statement
may not seem to make sense to most gamblers, but the fact is that you
absolutely cannot time your luck. There is no "curve" to look
at when you're winning that will tell you when your "run"
is over. There is no "support level" at the bottom that will
predict a gambling free-fall. Fickle Lady Luck does not act in any predictable
patterns. This has been proven in controlled scientific experiments.
So then, if the
answer is so simple, what is it? Let's help you determine it for yourself
with this poker example.
Suppose you sat
down at a Texas Hold'em table with a crew of perfect strangers. After
half an hour, you realized you were playing with a table full of world
class professionals. You were by far the weakest link, but luckily had
hit a couple of key flops. You were currently winning and enjoying your
good fortune. Should you stay or go?
The fact is, you're
brutally outclassed. They have the skills to play rings around you,
and if you stay, that's exactly what they'll end up doing. So in this
case, you should definitely get up and quit right now.
Ah, but what if
you were already losing by the time you realized who you were up against?
Same answer. Get out of there before you end up looking like a gutted
bass flapping around on the table.
So right there were
two situations -- one in which you were winning and one in which you
were losing, but the right answer was the same both times -- to stop
playing immediately.
Okay, now let's
reverse it and say you've discovered you're playing with a bunch of
complete suckers. They have no idea what they're doing, but you've taken
a few unlucky beats and are currently getting pounded. What's the right
Since you know you
outclass the field, the "cream" should eventually rise to
the top. Therefore you should dig in and just keep applying your advantage.
And what if you
were already beating their brains in? Since you're a definite favorite
over them, you're likely to keep right on winning, so the answer is
again to stay put.
Those were yet two
more scenarios with opposite situations, yet both answers again were
the same, this time that you should keep on playing. Well then, can
you see that whether to quit or keep gambling has nothing to do with
winning or losing? Can you see what the two real determinants were?
They were -- simply whether you had the advantage or disadvantage.
When you have the
edge, you're always more likely to win than lose from this moment going
forward. When you have the disadvantage, you're always more likely to
It doesn't matter
whether you've won or lost up to now. It also doesn't matter what the
game is. If you've got the edge and still have the time and the money,
keep on playing. If you don't have the edge, the sooner you quit, the
better off you'll be.