once in a while-about a dozen times a week on the average--we get
calls at Gambler's Book Shop for information on how cheats and hustlers
operate. Most of those asking have that inquisitive sound in their
voice, as if they're wondering how to a) protect themselves against
cheats or b) learn how to turn the tables on cheats. Too, there
are a few (we don't ask) who sound as if they want to "initiate
a new career" as a cheat-but you never know. So, for those who have
yet to ask, here are three titles and a short summary or review
of each:
The Secret Science
of Covert Inks by Samuel Rubin. This $14.95 paperbound (128 pages)
is for the very inquisitive who want to research something more
than the disappearing ink they experimented with in childhood. And
it's surprising how many different types of covert inks exist. Published
in 1987, it contains on key chapter for gamblers titled Gambler's
Secret Inks. This chapter discusses and describes "marking inks"
for playing cards, including the formulas and ingredients.
Another book,
titled A Friendly Game? (The Textbook for Protecting Yourself From
Being Cheated in the World's Best Card Game-Poker) by Bert Morris,
has been available since 1996. This 106-page paperbound ($17.50)
describes how cheaters mark cards using a variety of methods, including
sand, wax, the human fingernail and daubs. Then there are the methods
card sharks use in high-low split games to indicate whether to raise,
pass or call, with samples of hand signals you might wish to be
alert for in a game. The book goes on to describe card "mucking"
techniques (the term applies to holding out a key card for use at
some time later in a game); peeking at cards and how its done by
dealers; dealing "seconds" and "bottoms" and one of the oldest forms
of cheating-false shuffles.
A third book
is a little bit of history mixed with how the old-timers cheated.
What makes this book useful is the fact that techniques are often
only refined rather than being innovative. The John Nevil Maskelyne
classic titled Sharps and Flats (335 pages, paperbound, $8.95) was
originally published in 1894. It spawned an entire generation of
Here you'll
see detailed examples and explanation of how they marked cards a
century or two ago; how reflectors were used to indicate what cards
were being dealt; what "holdout" devices were and how they were
used; how cards were manipulated and how partners applied collusion
techniques. This is an extraordinary resource for anyone interested
in the now defunct game of faro-the rules and layout are included.
It is one of the best resources for isolating some of the earliest
refinements by cheats for shooting craps and for cheating at roulette.