Issue 6
October 15 - October 21, 2000
Volume 1
page 3

by Howard Swartz

A mixed bag of new titles have recently hit the bookshelves -something for everyone one might say.

For slot players, the most important book IS ROBBING THE ONE-ARMED BANDITS (revised and updated) by Charles Lund. This $19.95 paperbound contains 256 pages and here examines more than 80 machines-telling you what the unique feature of each is-whether to play, how to attack it and where to avoid them The work will probably put a few gray hairs in the slot manufacturers, who often tout every new machine with a whoop and shout. Lund doesn't pull punches. If he tells you the rules are too complicated or your chances of your bankroll melting away are great, listen to him. From American in Paris to the X Factor Machine, Lund struts his knowledge, to the benefit of both beginner and hard core pro.

A major section of the book discusses key issues like progressives; questionable slot promotions; the slot point fiasco; token scams; hopper fill heists; various forms of cheating; casino responses (they don't like to see him on their premises in some cases). This book is written by a nice guy who doesn't let the casinos push him around. He fights back with advice, opinions, warnings-but most of all, he goes to bat for the player, as a voice for the people. It's a book that'll help you survive the slot wars; allow you to hold onto your bankroll a lot longer than you'd expect and gives you a fighting chance at a jackpot if luck is with you.

This now becomes the most important book ever written on the subject.

Even today LUCKY LUCIANO (THE MAN WHO ORGANIZED CRIME IN AMERICA) is remembered. Luciano died in January, 1962 in Naples, Italy. Now a reprint for the 1939 biography by Hickman Powell is available (341 pages, hardbound,$23.95).

Originally titled Ninety Times Guilty (not exactly a catchy-grabber even in the 30s), and not indexed or illustrated, it's stilla part of history-of gambling and organized crime, and still worth reading.

A fascination with the rich triggered Cynthia Crossen to write THE RICH AND HOW THEY GOT THAT WAY (286 pages, hardbound,$25.95). Eleven individuals get the spotlight here, including Bill Gates, Hetty Green, John Law, Richard Arkwright and Genghis Khan. Each gained riches and reflected a different lifestyle at a different point in history.

One conquered five million square miles of land; another changed the course of history in the way we communicate. Hetty Green was a stock market genius but squeezed a dollar beyond belief-even when it came to her own family.

The book tries to explain while the rich are different from everyone else-with stories, examples of daring, of cheapness, innovation, eccentric behavior beyond belief at times.

Overall, this is a compendium of material about people who "smelled opportunity where others saw obstacles." It is also, a history of major financial, social and technological developments which have shaped the world we live in. (The author is senior editor at The Wall Street Journal.)

(Any book mentioned in this review is available from Gambler's Book Shop, 630 South 11th St., Las Vegas, NV 89101. You may order via toll-free number 1-800-522-1777 from 9-5 Pacific time, Mon.-Sat., or via their internet site anytime. Use MasterCard, VISA or Discover. Ask for the store's free 80-page catalog sent first class. If mailing a check or money order, add $5.50 postage for one book, $1 for each additional title).

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