Issue 127
February 17-23, 2003
Volume 3
page 3

The Secret of Making More Money With Come Bets
By Larry Edell

Pssst... Wanna know a secret?

How about the secret of making more money with come bets?

If you’ve bet come or don’t come before, you know that the key to profits is the ability to add "free odds" to your flat bet -- and give the casino a zero advantage on those added odds.

Wanna know the secret that craps pros use to increase their profits and actually make more money than the person next to them making the same come bet?

Let’s find out!

When you bet, the dealers have a lot of power and can give you breaks they don’t give to other players. You can get the dealers on your side if you tip them. Just place bets for them on the pass or come line, hard ways, or just toss them a red chip "for the boys!" In turn, the dealers will look out for your bets and even bend the rules just a little bit. They want you to win so you’ll keep on tipping them. And, if you’re on the come line, the dealers can be a tremendous help to you.

When you make a come bet, you should always ask the friendly dealer if you can add more odds than you’re allowed. You have nothing to lose by doing this, whether your flat bet is $5 or $50. If you are at a 2X odds casino and you have $10 in the come box and the point is five (or nine), you are allowed to place $20 odds. If the number hits, you win $30 for the odds (at 3:2) plus $10 for the flat bet for a total of $40. If however you ask the dealer if you can add $30 odds (instead of $20) and he lets you, you’ll win $45 for the odds plus $10 for the flat bet -- that’s a total of $55! So, you have $15 more, just for asking for a small favor.

You can do the same thing on the don’t come line. If you’re at the same casino and have a $10 don’t come bet and the point is four or ten, you can lay $40 to win $20 in odds, so your total win would be $30 ($10 + $20). Ask the friendly dealer if you can lay $50 (to win $25). So, instead of $30 you’ll win a total now of $35 ($10 + $25).

Remember all you have to do is ask the dealer if you can make a certain bet for a certain amount. The worst that can happen is that he’ll say no. This method is being used by many experienced crapshooters to maximize their winnings and minimize the house’s edge. You will be increasing your odds bets to the absolute maximum the casino will allow. By doing this, you are squeezing every last drop of profit you can from the casino -- and all you have to do is ask!
Pssst... Now you know the secret of making more money with come bets.

About Larry Edell

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Trump Marina Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ
February 17-23, 2003
Grand Cayman Ballroom
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Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, NV
Thru April 30, 2003

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Valentine's Slot Tournament
Riviera Hotel Casino, Las Vegas, NV
February 14-18, 2003

Registration: $595
Call 800-634-6753 for more information

Double Deck Fridays BlackJack Tournament
President Casino Broadwater Resort, Biloxi, MS
Registration: $25-$50

Call 800-843-7737 for more information

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